Fixed camera criteria
Speed and red light cameras are installed at sites with a history of fatal and serious injury caused by speed and red light running. To ensure that resources are concentrated at sites with the highest casualty history, a strict criteria is applied to potential sites. The information below explains the criteria for each of the types of camera used in London.
Fatal and serious injury collisions are referred to as KSI collisions, this stands for 'killed and seriously injured' collisions.
The following criteria is in place from April 2007:
Speed Camera
In the most recent 36 month period there must be a collision history along the length of road of 4 KSI collisions, 2 of which must be speed related.
Combined Red Light and Speed Camera (speed on green)
In the most recent 36 month period there must be a collision history at the junction and on the same arm of 2 speed related KSI collisions and 2 other personal injury collisions (slight) caused by a vehicle 'Disobeying Automatic Traffic Signals' (running a red light).
Average Speed Cameras
In the most recent 36 month period there must be 4 or more KSI collisions per kilometre of carriageway, 2 of which must be speed related.
Mobile Speed Cameras
Mobile enforcement sites and operational activity is selected through Metropolitan Police Tasking Meetings.
Red Light Camera
In the most recent 36 month period there must be a collision history at the junction, and on the same arm, of 1 KSI collision and 1 other personal injury collision (slight). Both of these collisions must have been caused by a vehicle 'Disobeying Automatic Traffic Signals' (running a red light).