Over the past 18 months new way to plan has held events across London to provide practitioners with the opportunity to learn more about securing high-quality travel plans through the development process. Training and networking events have addressed the following topics:
TfL ran a half day seminar on the 21st March to support the launch of the travel plan guidance. The event was well received and provoked useful discussion around both the changes to the guidance and Delivery and Servicing Plans. There were a number of presentations which are now available below.
Over 150 people attended the 2009 new way to plan conference. It provided an excellent opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing for everyone in the development sector in London.
Selected conference presentations are available for download:
If you have any suggestions for training, please contact newwaytoplan. We are always looking to better understand and meet the needs of those involved in securing and delivering development-related travel plans in London.